Saturday, November 28, 2009

Will using a jpeg pic as a myspace background make page download more slowly than if I used html col

Will using a jpeg pic as a myspace background cause the page to download more slowly than if I used a html color code for the background?

thanks in advance...

Will using a jpeg pic as a myspace background make page download more slowly than if I used html color code?

Yes, but not by that much. It depends on how large the image is and if it repeats (the background). JPEG doesn't take long to load because it's low, as I said, it will only slow the page down by a little. It also depends on how fast of an internet connection the people viewing your myspace have.

Will using a jpeg pic as a myspace background make page download more slowly than if I used html color code?

i think it will but it might depend on the computer the person is on when looking at your page

Will using a jpeg pic as a myspace background make page download more slowly than if I used html color code?

Yes it would be slower. Because it has to download the picture and the html does not.

Will using a jpeg pic as a myspace background make page download more slowly than if I used html color code?

HTML loads faster than HTML+img .

Code is like.

/begin html.

/html /background #)()()()())()()(

/load imge

/load all the rest


Then again it all depends on the sooped up file shredder or the molasses over a berm on a cold fog in the morning EC.

That is just theory, but so is gravity.

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